This is an article which i found at Link I think it's an interesting piece of satire and like all satire its effectiveness is directly related to its proximity to the truth. Even though the situation it depicts might not be veracious, it could be. That's the point. It's sad to think that things have gotten this bad, this rotten, when our "light on the hill" (i.e. America) is so openly and validly called into question. Enough with my blabbing, here's the article for you all to enjoy (and...
This is an article which i found at Link I think it's an interesting piece of satire and like all satire its effectiveness is directly related to its proximity to the truth. Even though the situation it depicts might not be veracious, it could be. That's the point. It's sad to think that things have gotten this bad, this rotten, when our "light on the hill" (i.e. America) is so openly and validly called into question. Enough with my blabbing, here's the article for you all to enjoy (and...
I fine Italian suit and a reason to wear it, A Humvee with a mountain bike on the rack, leather hiking shoes, standing the summit of a mountain, next to the behemoth, with a cup of hot coffee, warmed by my contentment. A tall glass of white rum and a banana chair on a Central American beach, somewhere where the beer costs you a dollar a bottle and the children’s teeth are impossibly white, breakers off a distant reef and the alcohol doesn’t eat at your liver. A living room looking ou...
I fine Italian suit and a reason to wear it, A Humvee with a mountain bike on the rack, leather hiking shoes, standing the summit of a mountain, next to the behemoth, with a cup of hot coffee, warmed by my contentment. A tall glass of white rum and a banana chair on a Central American beach, somewhere where the beer costs you a dollar a bottle and the children’s teeth are impossibly white, breakers off a distant reef and the alcohol doesn’t eat at your liver. A living room looking ou...
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This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.