What I do when I should be studying...or not taking part in a Reality Television show
Don't prosecute me. I was only following orders
Published on May 9, 2004 By notsohighlyevolved In Health & Medicine
It is a crushing experience to have to earn your “bread”. To suffer and swelter in a take away shop knowing that your life is absent, deserting itself and leaving it to fight the hordes that come in, day in and day out, by itself, unsure and frightfully angry.

I try to convince myself that I am, in fact, a student. I am enrolled at university and this must count for something, right? Being a student means something, a student is a character in a Russian novel, a man awaiting his destiny, suffering for his right to it. I would like to think that that character is me as I take another order, as I throw another corpse on the grill.

However, I cannot convince myself. This is how I earn my money. By frying things, non-specific things that have names attached that might or might not be true accounts of what they actually are. I would not know for I no longer eat the food where I work. I just doll it out to the people who come in and ask for it in their own manner and custom.

Some order softly, some loud. Some order with a “please” tacked on the end, others imply it and others with the thought that payment is enough. Some know what to order and then others don’t and they stare at the menu with a look on their face that bemuses me. People who think about the nature of god a great deal often have the look on their face, like they taste something sour or something that has turned. This look usually precedes a statement of great profundity and it is always a disappointment when it produces little more than “a burger with fries, thanks”.

I again try to convince myself that my life is elsewhere, eloping with a beautiful bride on a yacht bound for Tahiti. These ruminations invariably distract me from my post and cause me to dip my fingers, along with the fries, into frying oil. I’m glad for the pain because it is better than the dull agony that comes with doing very little, very often, for so little money.

I don’t know what any of this has to do with what I initially started thinking about, but work related depression is a hard thing to escape unless you actually escape the cause of said depression. A hard thing to do if you want to study and you’re not lucky enough to have an intravenous trust fund.

What I actually wanted to talk about was the terrible obesity I have to witness on a day to day basis. Now I don’t actually have anything against obesity as such, but I am concerned about it from a medical point of view. I have an interest in the future of our fine nation and it looks like that it’s going to require a quadruple by-pass in no more than a few years.

I also cannot help but think that I, meek little me, am responsible in an intimate way.

I serve the food that is making us fat.

I sell the food that is making us fat.

I provide misinformation about the food that is making us fat.
More than all this, I suffer terribly, for the personal reasons I related above, while selling the food that is making us fat.

The guilt is unbearable, both for the damage I am doing to others and the damage I do to myself. The question plagues me – do I have a moral obligation to the customers that are, admittedly, operating within a free market, free fat economy? Should I refuse them service when they refuse to stop eating slabs of bread stuffed with fried chicken and mayonnaise.

I am acquainted with customers that have been known to come to our shop two to three times a day with a terrifying regularity. Usually they hail from a low socio-economic bracket, working jobs as dull as mine, and they do not possess the time nor the resources to eat a healthier and more time consuming diet.

I just hate it when they appear to enjoying it, even when they seem to be on the verge of passing out or exploding when they leave the shop.

After the Nazi cloud of atrocity had been repelled the excuse the world heard so often was – “but I was only following orders”. It became the last bunker, a German Alamo, which could not be breached. To confront it would be for every nation to study its own history and carry out its own moral reckoning. In the name of world stability and in the presence of a growing shadow cast by the looming clouds of the cold war, that last bunker was left intact.

Did the German people have an obligation to put aside self interest to stop what had become an immanent threat to a whole race, and conceivable the world. Many would say that the obligation was there and that a whole nation turned its back on it.

It might seem irresponsible to liken my case with that of the German people, but the severity of the analogy is used to outline the severity of Australia’s and America’s current situation. The biggest killer in Australia at the moment is heart disease and I am part of the industry that directly and inescapably causes it. I feel that I also have an obligation, a moral duty, which is bigger than my need to support myself. What I make at this job isn’t worth it.

I’m killing people. The people I work for are killing people, slowly and with a particular humiliation.

I am a student. I respect truth. Maybe I should stop working for the wrong side of the fence.

Don’t prosecute me, I was just following orders. But not for much longer.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 09, 2004
A very interesting article! It is very hard when you feel that earning your bread and butter is hurting your soul.
on May 09, 2004
Heard an interesting theory from a friend of mine. He thinks that this world is the afterlife of a life previously lived but not remembered. I must have done something appalling. All i know is that my workplace is hot enough to be hell, and the pay ain't that great either. I wonder if the real hell has minimum wage?
on May 09, 2004
Well, you've given me a great fantasy for the day, of who is in hell making minimum wage for eternity!!
I hope you are able to get out soon.
on May 09, 2004
on May 11, 2004
marco, it is true that you are paying for your education in a way that kills people. but it's in an indirect way. (sorry. i have no idea how my saying that is supposed to actually help you)

look on the bright side, my sweet ... at least it's better than auctioning yourself as an "ass virgin" on ebay

mig XX
on May 11, 2004
Like the late Redd Foxx said: "If ya don't drink, smoke or eat lots of red meat, your gonna feel like a damn fool someday a layin' up in the hospital dyin' from nothing". Somebody or some thing will always have to die so you can live. A cold, but true, fact of life. I'll have a double meat cheesburger & large order of fries please...
on May 12, 2004
one must eat to live, but you should never live just to eat. I see cases of the later everyday. There is a lot more to life than consumption.
on May 16, 2004
Hmm so you're stuck in a joe job too huh? I work in a bar, selling people alcohol, so they can poison themselves to death, maybe it's not technically the same, what do you think? I know what you mean about the regulars though- there's one guy here who drinks himself unconscious every Friday night. I don't feel exactly great about serving the guy, so I know what you mean about feeling guilty. At least in a bar you can cut people off I guess.I'm no saint myself when it comes to drugs and alcohol, so it makes me feel pretty crappy. I don't wanna end up that way...Still, just trying to pay my rent, we're all just trying to survive yknow? In the end, it's the individual's decision, it's their body, and it's their choice whether or not to look after it. I can see how you feel you have a certain responsibility for these people, I think we're all responsible for each other, we're all in this together after all. But we're just the little guys, and we don't have the means or the power to change society. We have to rely on help coming indirectly from the government, which is pretty depressing. I don't know how the world got so screwed up.

By the way, your writing style kind of reminds me of that book "Generation x". I like it a lot, I've read a few of ur articles and they're all very thought provoking, and cool, and I like how there's always something quite personal about each of them.

love Dyl, xxx
on May 16, 2004
Thanks Dyl,

Just what i needed.

I figure that the longer i feel disempowered and small, the longer i will confine myself in a position that is ineffectual in changing my environment or life.

But it is true. What we do for a living too often outlines our self-perception. Making no money and harming people (and yourself) in the process makes for a bad combination, makes you feel like you are of no help to others or your own well being.

Thank God I'm studying otherwise I would be really screwed.

Once again thanks for the comment. At 5.47 in the morning (or any time for that matter) something as simple as your comment can make me feel a hell of a lot better than i did before reading.

on May 16, 2004
you, my friend, are what I refer to as a pimp.

on May 16, 2004
A pimp of what?

I'm sure that you use that word in a very specific context.

Very interested. Never been called that before. Don't have the necessary fashion sense or sadism.
on May 16, 2004
marco, judging by the source of that comment, i'd say trinitie means that you're a metaphorical "pimp" (ie: facilitator) between the "bad thing" and the "consumer" of it.

as for having the fashion sense ... long pointed collars and gold chains ?. agreed. you have no hope.

but sadism ... i believe they teach it in schools now. you just have to go to the right one. you have it down pat mentally ... just need to work on "execution" ... so to speak.

and look at your comments ... you're even making sense to other people now. what can be next ? ... voluntarily attending a social gathering ? *gasp*

mig XX
on May 17, 2004

That's what I was guessing, but with a word as strong as pimp you want to be certain.

Bad connotations.

And me...sadistic. Getouttahere. Never. Not even mentally.

Ok. Maybe just a little. But that's the "other" me, and I hold you accountable for that guy.

on May 17, 2004

on Jun 14, 2004
I loved your article! Very truthful. When I first saw the title of the article I thought it was going to be about how people on wefare and assistance often times are very overweight. Perhaps, it's because fast food is so convient and cheap. You'd think the fact that it makes you fart and gives you indigestion would be enough to flip on the switch that the stuff is bad for you. What really gets me is the fat parents taking their fat kids to fast food restaurants. a 150 pound 5 year old is sickening and abusive in my opinion. If you're an adult and overweight that's one thing, that's due to psychological issues or a medical issue. Don't force that on your children. Don't let them graze like cattle or they'll end up fat like cattle. playing outside is a good thing!!!
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