"At the weekend the Israeli high court rejected a petition from residents, endorsing on security grounds the policy of bulldozing homes without warning and without giving them a chance to appeal or remove their belongings" (quote from the Sydney Morning Hereld, May19)
The Israelis have instigated a policy of occupying Rafah with tanks, helicopters and bulldozers in retaliation for the death of 13 Israeli soldiers. There has been talk of systematically demolishing houses, and already thousands of Rafah's inhabitants have fled.
Just not in their cars. Cars were disallowed and fired on if they tried to break through the cordon that had encircled the city of 90,000.
Missles from the attack helicopter have already been leaving trails of smoke in the sky and kissing the ground with destruction. This is the targeting of suspects, giving them a trial and then executing them from an altitude of 300 feet. Not even Americans carry out Judicial action from the skys.
This action has been drawing criticism from the international community and even the US, both Condoleezza Rice and Collin Powell contributing their voices to the plead for moderation from Israel, but the Israeli government and military shrug their shoulders.
It's starting to look like Israel is stuck in a loop, as if they are incapable of any other behaviour other than behaviour they have already exhibited, like an animal that has been put through reinforcement-conditioning training and no longer know how to shit on a whole people in any other way.
The quote i included at the beginning is what I find the strangest and most frustrating thing at all.
The people of Rafah had to turn to the Israeli High Court to find justice or mercy. When they were denied, this became the legal basis for the military action against that city.
This is not analogous to, but exactly like, a country telling another that it is going to invade, disallowing that country to defend itself as it categorises any of that country as terrorists and criminals, the country to be invaded must go to the threatening counrty's high court and plead for mercy, that court turns them down and based on this judgement, tells its own government that its actions are perfectly justified and legal.
This is just plain sickening. I'm starting to think that the US is going to have to cut Israel loose before it makes any more of an ass out f its benefactor.
More than anything, I am surprised that a people that know so much about the suffereing end of persecution and elimination are capable of doing this to another people. What are the Palestinian cities and townships in the Gaza Strip and West Bank if not Ghettos.
Once that word would have inspired terror and nausea in the Israeli people. Now they build them.
What has the world come to.