What I do when I should be studying...or not taking part in a Reality Television show
Last title didn't work. Maybe this is sordid enough.
Published on May 24, 2004 By notsohighlyevolved In Blogging
My university is a microcosm, this much is true, not that it tells you a lot about the cosmos, not that it will expand your ontological horizons, not that it facilitates in the transfere of useful information.

I learn more at nightclubs.

I learn more lining up for cigarettes at my local 24/7 convenience store.

The billboards aren't the only things on campus to exude image and the faint odour of ink and too many transactions.

There's an underground economy of style that has an intangible currency. Something about a certain clash of colour and the angle keratin is cut at.

This economy is ever shifting...almost tidal. It could be that there are alignments and houses and cards that factor in somehow, but one can never be sure. The occult isn't spoken about and many on campus think that the word archaic has something to do with spiders.

You can never learn all that much about this little microcosm, though it's through no lack of effort on the part of staff and PhD students. We sit a battery of tests thinking they're for assessment, and it would be true to say that they do assess us, but just not in the way we imagine.

Last month, in Psych, they administered personality tests and gave the results the next week. Students were amazed at the accuracy of these tests until they were told that they had all been given exactly the same results, irrespective of their answers.

Along with proving the Barnum Effect it also proved my theory that university students are avid readers of Astrological compilations of personality types and hence, have been well conditioned to believe all and any tripe that is fed to them in a drab room by men that obviously can't afford food, clothes or haircuts.

The students represent the exact inverse - can afford the food, haircut and clothes, just not the time needed to innoculate oneself against being duped by those who can't.

For a moment i thought the Mac Psych department had actually started the study of something revolutionary and vital for our development as a society and culture - do university students actually have personalities, or are they merely walking career suitability files that check employment websites and suppliments to follow the movements of their relevant salary packages?

I overestimated the strength of their ambition - they just wanted to see if we were dumb. The means and standard deviations moved against us. The graph didn't look promising either, even though the correlation between this level of gullibility/blind trust in authority figures and healthy economic figures came as a relief to us all.

It looks like those salary packages are just going to keep on going up and up.

So...how many bubbles has that been so far?

on May 24, 2004
Hehe, another nice article! I think the psych thing was clever, feed the self indulgence of students. When i was at college, I was amazed at how students thought they were really intelligent, and above other people, just because they was there. It seems they forgot about freedom of thought, and what the tutors said was gospel, when i found the joy was arguing with the tutors, and making them work for that poor wage. Liked the title to, very attention grabbing
on May 24, 2004
It seems that even if the students are intelligent the retail and status genes run interference on everything else along that double helix.

As far as the title goes - JU seems to operate on the British tabloid model. Thankfully the content makes up for it.

Now all we need are those photo's...where did i leave them...

on May 24, 2004
Ooooh tabloid pics, how exciting, what of, what of????
on May 24, 2004
You name em', we've got em'

Sex, death and taxes.

Ahhhhh, LIFE!

Marco XX