What I do when I should be studying...or not taking part in a Reality Television show
Not more than 5 days ago my dear brother decided to give up the vile carcinogens that we affectionately know as cigarettes. In doing so he turned into a vile carcinogen himself.

As a smoker he was a mildly amusing, go lucky young man, full of life and aplomb, talkative and amicable to all and sundry – even to those he didn’t much care for.

After his hasty and obscurely caused decision to quit and the resulting cessation of the habit he has turned into a malevolent, and dare I say it, violent apparition. A presence that precedes itself by the putrid stench of hormones and vitriol, in one of its more lucid moments it remarked that “this is what PMS must feel like”. After severely admonishing the thing on its insensitive insult to the more formidable sex, I promptly agreed with it, claiming that my borderline paranoid schizophrenic girlfriend, on her worst day, was easier to deal with than the highly volatile “composite personality” he had become.

My suspicions were only confirmed when on a weekend outing, an innocent and oblivious Saturday night reveller accidentally bumped into the organism I had previously thought of as my brother. He held his peace as long as it took the offender to reach the bar and exceed the outer limit of our conversational bubble, and then leaned over to me and whispered (the horror! That whisper will haunt me, forever educating me on the innate evil in all humanity) – “that bastard was lucky I didn’t cut of his feet at the ankles and make him dance on the bloodied stumps with the aid of an automatic weapon, Oklahoma Style”

I have been pondering the notion of giving up cigarettes myself. I will take my brothers horrific experience and travels into the twilight realms of his humanity as fair warning to think twice about taking up that other filthy habit – quitting.

on Jul 07, 2004
... arg....

Maybe he should use the patch? ... I've heard it is awful. I've smoked a pipe off and on all my adult life, but never enough that I would have to deal with that kind of withdrawl. I hear the nicotene hit on cigarettes is much, much worse as well.

At the least he could buy the drinks with all his unused cig money, right?

on Jul 07, 2004
At the least he could buy the drinks with all his unused cig money, right?

That would be assuming he had any goodwill left at all. He's become a ganglia of screaming neurons, a walking heap of neurotransmitter deficits. Buying rounds was the last thing on his mind. Kurtz has nothing on my sibling.

on Jul 07, 2004

oh, marco. oh, dear. you mean our telephone conversations are to no longer be interrupted by "himself the magnificent" cagding ciggies ?. i cannot imagine him cranky. still, it must be deflecting a bit of the heat off you . hey, why don't you two try quitting at once ? ... i bet i'd be able to hear the horns locking from here

mig XXX

on Jul 07, 2004
Aww your poor brother! I've never smoked so I don't actually know what he's going through, but good for him having a go. Even if he does turn into a monster, just means he'll be a perfect match for my sister then! I'm still giggling from Migs post, hehe, Marco cranky??? Never! hehe! It would be fun for you to quit and write about it, just so we can share your pain and laugh from a distance, hehe! Just kidding!
on Jul 07, 2004
still, it must be deflecting a bit of the heat off you

I'm like Nixon. Even after the election of a new representative to wear the mantle, i still, posthumously, receive the criticism.

It would be fun for you to quit and write about it

Fun for who Sally? Huh?

Marco XX
on Jul 07, 2004
I'd give up myself, but I'm no lousy quitter.

Maybe if you smoke around him enough he'll relax..passive smoking and all.

Sorry I've lost the will to write, that was shit. Sorry.

Dyl xx
on Jul 07, 2004

Smoking around him at the moment is like sticking a paper cut finger into a shark infested pool half way through a feeding frenzy. Now, as enjoyable as all that sounds, i think i'll refrain for awhile and let the madness and blod lust to dissapate.

As far as your last statement... for as long as i have known you here on JU, you have never written a sub par sentence or sentiment. AND i hope that loss of will you mentioned is in no way permanent but only a momentary lapse of motivation inspired, perhaps, by my own, lifeless inanity

Marco XX
on Jul 07, 2004
If My "Momentary lapse of motivation" was affected by you in anyway it'd probably be the inadequacy of my own writing next to your's.

I'm just not writing right now cuz um of my friend died so i'm kind of upset..so I can't really right about it. I'm not sure how to.I'm fucked to be honest cuz I don't know who to talk to. Sorry not ur problem...listen thanks for writing this, It was funny and it took my mind of it for um a while. Okay cool.yeah thanks.

Dyl xx
on Jul 07, 2004

Dyl xx
on Jul 07, 2004
I think it's a reaction to lack of chemicals. It will pass, eventually.
on Jul 09, 2004
Fun for us obviously, to read your pain, hehe! Ooooh to be evil!
on Jul 09, 2004
I think it's a reaction to lack of chemicals. It will pass, eventually.

Thanks for the addition of that qualifier - "eventually". As pay back, as soon as he gets over this neuro-chemical hell I'm going to quit myself. No patches, no gum - just the sheer pleasure of being around someone who has their nerve endings bare and burning.

Ooooh to be evil!

Is that a declarative statement or a desire, Sally? Are you saying you want to be evil? Ah...how green the pastures on the other side

Marco XX

on Jul 09, 2004
I would soooo love to be evil! *runs off practicing her evil laugh*