Let me paint a picture. A small solar system with nought but a sun, its gravitational field and a comet. A comet has three (four, technically) distinct features - a nucleus, a coma and a tail. It orbits in wide ellipses around a sun. Sometimes out at the furthest reaches, away from the fiery centre, cold and invisible, but always edging closer. As it nears the sun its pace quickens. The famed sling shot effect of a travelling, celestial body being “flung” by a larger body and its ...
I have only recently noticed that Mignuna is sitting high and on the right hand side of the JU throne. She is second in ranking. That's right. Second! I was both overjoyed and astonished that such a thing has happened. Firstly, I was overjoyed as Mig is a close and dear friend of mine. The closest and dearest friend i have. Seeing as i am a misanthropist at best and just plain nasty at best, this is an achievement that stands irrespective of whatever else she accomplishes (don't under...
I have been away a long time but there has not been one word to write and hardly a word to utter. I have been unable to think of a solitary thing that I would like to share and that is probably all on account of me not trying. I did have an interesting conversation with an old friend last night about a lot of things in general and nothing at all in specific. In general she informed me that she has recently converted to anarchism but she couldn’t specifically tell me how or why. In g...
Ok. I’m broke. Interesting way of putting it – broke. Broken, poor, destitute (not that serious). I’ve had no money so long that it seems normal, like this is universal, like no one drives luxury cars or dresses in expensive foreign suits, doing all they can to not smell themselves, not touch themselves, put the fabric and fragrance in between, let it slip in the crack and protect you from you. Money is the ultimate holiday destination. That’s what it feels like when you have none. Y...
To think. To taste and feel. All with your feet. And to fly, no matter how short and circular the distance, how futile the circumference. We love butterflies. We adore them in the way we love all things that are almost broken, that are absolutely beautiful. We symbolise them when there is no need, when their paper thin presence and luminous flutter means everything they can and should. It would be strange to know what they think of us, but looking into their compound eyes, fractured eyes, ...
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This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
My university is a microcosm, this much is true, not that it tells you a lot about the cosmos, not that it will expand your ontological horizons, not that it facilitates in the transfere of useful information. I learn more at nightclubs. I learn more lining up for cigarettes at my local 24/7 convenience store. The billboards aren't the only things on campus to exude image and the faint odour of ink and too many transactions. There's an underground economy of style that has an inta...
Arguments and the limits of our knowledge: I have found in many discussions here at JU recently, that my knowledge of a great many subjects is let’s say…deficient or wanting. I never used to believe that argument is good for its own sake, or for the benefit of logic and its exercise. I never used to believe that argument is necessary to call into action the faculties of the human mind that are not stimulated by the operation of the microwave or the contorted complexities of using a ...
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Damn you all. Now I have this compulsion to write. I do not think that I have anything worthy of utterance. There have always been long silences in my life. These have been the places where I do not exist, where the rest of you do not exist. There is nothing in this silence that I must protect myself from. Silence is impotent. It is unintelligible. And now this ceaseless stream of words that remind me of myself, are myself. I do not look in the mirror often enough to notice that an e...